
Tuesday, 28 March 2017

What rubbish!

This week I have been learning how to gather, sort and display information.We wanted to find out what families at Tautoro school do with their waste. Firstly we created a questionnaire. Then we made tally charts and used google sheets to present the information. One thing I learned about this is how to make a pie and bar chart using google sheets.


  1. Wow Chace i like your pie graph that shows me how many tautoro families reuse their waste. It shows me the largest portion of families in tautoro 50% SOMETIMES reuse their waste compared to the lowest number 19.2% REUSE their waste compared to 30.8% who NEVER REUSE their waste. Great graphs Chace well done

  2. Hi my name is Abby, and I am a student in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like your bar graph on what people do with their rubbish. It made me think of how our class is doing stuff on how to keep New Zealand clean. I think it is cool how you did a pie graph on when we are dropping rubbish. Have you thought about putting photos of what the world would look if we littered like compared to what it does look like ? If you would like to see my learning, my blog is


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